Through our Garden Coach consultation program we offer one-on-one, on-site consultations to help your garden reach its full potential.
We’re here to help fill a gorgeous landscape with native plants, attract more pollinators, assist in fixing a problem area, and to teach valuable skills. Whether it’s on a project-by-project basis or continuing along the path to becoming a better gardener, your success is our success.
One hour on-site consultations are $95.
How we can help
Reduced Maintenance

Go Native!

Attract More Pollinators

Birds, bees, and butterflies will put on a show all season long! Our Garden Coach will recommend perfectly suited plants to attract a wide range of pollinators.
Save Money

Plant it right the first time. Mistakes can get expensive. Let us help you select the perfect plants for your landscape.

Learn Proper Pruning

Not quite sure how to prune back your existing plants? Our Coach will show you correct methods to ensure lush blooms come spring and summer.
Get started today
Fill out the application below and email it to nancy [at], give us a call, or stop in the Garden Center and ask for a Garden Coach application.