From the beginning, we have been committed to providing beautiful native plants for your landscape which provide invaluable ecosystem services and we pride ourselves on carrying the largest selection of native plants in the area. Landscapes full of native plants shouldn’t be drab or boring, they can add incredible vibrancy, color, and texture to your garden!

The habitat loss to our native flora and fauna is immense and many of our most cherished species are threatened or endangered. The choices we make in our gardens have meaningful effects not just on the populations of native pollinators, the birds, insects, and other animals, but also on our own well-being.

Native plants:

  • Support the complex food webs other native species rely on for their survival
  • Provide habitat and shelter for other native fauna
  • Often require little to no fertilizer and require fewer pesticides than lawns
  • Have adapted to our climate so they need less water than introduced species

Attract butterflies and other pollinators year round by combining plants that flower in spring such as Amelanchier (shadblow/serviceberry) or Amsonia, and fall like Asters and Solidagio (goldenrod, pictured above).

Native grasses such as Sorghastrum (Indiangrass) and Panicum (switchgrass) provide great texture and a late season food sources and habitat for birds and animals.

If you have any questions or need help selecting the right Native Plants for your landscape, please reach out or consider scheduling a Garden Coach appointment. Click HERE for more information.

Solidago (Goldenrod)
Amsonia (Blue Star)
Amelanchier (Shadblow/Serviceberry)
Echinacea (Coneflower)
Hydrangea arborescens
Sorghastrum (Indiangrass)
Monarda (Bee Balm)
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