Gateway News

Adult Terrarium Build
Saturday, April 20th 4pm – 6pm DIY Terrarium Workshop. No green thumb or prior experience required! This class is hands on, so prepare to get

Orchid Care
Saturday, April 12th 4pm – 5pm Orchids repotting can be a tricky business! Join us to learn the ins and outs of successful orchid care.

Kid’s Terrarium Build
Saturday, March 30th 12pm – 2pm Join us in creating your own miniature magical world during this fun kids terrarium workshop! We will be creating

This Week in the Garden, March 8th
The Beauty of Corn Gluten Greetings from the Garden, We have been loving this recent burst of warm weather and are enjoying watching the first

Hello Hellebores!
Now blooming through early spring! Also known as Lenten Rose, Hellebores are a delightful perennial that offer spectacular flowers early in the season and are
Featured at Gateway Gardens